Doge Coin – Implosion Pending?


Over the last few weeks we have seen many people talking about the cryptocurrency Doge Coin, and they have been speaking with regard to the amount of money that they have made in profit on the coin. We have seen the likes of Elon Musk speaking about, which of course is going to drive the price up with people expecting to be able to make a large number of money. Since the turn of the year, the coin has gone from being valued under $0.01 to a high of around $0.72. Of course that is not huge returns if you were to only hold a single coin, but the presumption with the price being so low, is that people would own more, say $100 worth, this would at its peak have been able to be sold for $7,200. Not a bad return for when all you had to do was a hold a fake coin that you can’t buy anything with for around 4 months. This is the case with all cryptocurrencies as they are unable to be used as a method of exchange for a large majority of utilities in the world right now, with Bitcoin being the only one that has some semblance of us in reality. With Tesla now accepting it as a method of payment for its vehicles (After purchasing a large amount of the coin, owned by Elon Musk!), we have seen this coin continue to fluctuate with severe depressions and exceptional highs. But for what reason have we seen more and more people become invested in Doge and them becoming of the opinion that by ‘Hodling’ the Coin can go ‘to the moon’? That is actually quite a simple explanation, it is due to social media and the ability for celebrities and business owners to manipulate the price of these Coins, and get away with because they are not regulated. Since the start of 2021, there have been multiple stories about the stock market, with the likes of Gamestop and Wallstreetbets on Reddit going to the forefront of all of our minds. But why do some people think this can soar, and others believe an implosion is coming? We need to go back to the beginning of the coin to truly understand;

Continue reading “Doge Coin – Implosion Pending?”

The 5 Best Tools that Make Organization at Work a Breeze


While working from home during the pandemic I think it safe to say things have not been easy when it comes to planning out my day, or even how best to keep in contact with my team. Between peoples work getting lost, or not being able to keep track of what has been sent to you, there is always a need for a new app or programme that can help you out. This led me to looking for information about what apps are the best to use, so here is an article that explained them to me in the easiest way possible!

Organizing your workday can be very tricky. Whether you belong to a big or small enterprise, getting through the gamut of workday tasks will always have its challenges. With the popularity of remote work gaining a strong foothold in today’s “new normal,” managing your workload while making sure that everyone stays connected and on top of things has become twice as hard. 

It can be a bear trying to get everyone on the same page. Too many tasks, meetings and collaboration, new information coming in daily, new employees joining, old ones leaving, trying to preserve and update knowledge within the company — how do you not get lost in the chaos?

Luckily, there are tools out there geared towards organizing your work and helping you run your workday more efficiently. There are hundreds of them floating around the interwebs and you can get lost in the chaotic list of organizational tools, ironically enough. So how do you choose the right one for you?

Continue reading “The 5 Best Tools that Make Organization at Work a Breeze”

An Introduction to Sea Surface Temperature


Do you know when I finished college after studying law, business and economics, I found that I knew next to nothing about science and geography. Well duh, you might be thinking, but I hadn’t studied either of those subjects since I was about 15 so I had a rather severe knowledge gap that I wanted to remedy. Of course the internet can be a great source of information for everyone anywhere to access what they need, but how can we certain that what we are looking at is accurate? Between the Earth being flat and arguments about who really won the US Presidential election, there is a problem sometimes to know what is true on the internet. That is where my good friends at Sofar Ocean come in, they have been able to provide me with great resources to learn about the power of our oceans and what unknown advantages having additional data about them can do for us. They gave me an article all about the temperature of the sea and how it can affect numerous aspects of our lives, and do you think I had any idea?! Not a chance. Between the volume of articles they have and the fact that they are all well-researched with links to sources, they are easily the best place for information on this topic that I have found. If you are interested you can check out the original article here;

Continue reading “An Introduction to Sea Surface Temperature”

Why Real-Time Data Matters to the Maritime Industry?


I was catching up with a friend of mine who works in the shipping industry a couple of weeks while in quarantine, and he was talking about how around Christmas time with all of the extra orders, deliveries can get lost in a higher volume than any other time of the year. I thought this was odd considering the fact that we all know Christmas is going to lead to higher volumes of trade and deliveries, not like it is a surprise! So, I reached out to the team over at Sofar Ocean to ask them if they add any additional information for me around this topic. Was I surprised when they had the perfect article for me to understand the topic more in-depth? Not even a little. So, if you are ordering anything in the run up to the holiday period, maybe this article could be of a little use to you! If you are interested in seeing it on their site, check it out here alongside all of their other articles!

Continue reading “Why Real-Time Data Matters to the Maritime Industry?”

How To; Design Your Life


Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans was a book written in 2017 about how to create the perfect career for you through looking at all aspects of your life and crafting things that you can be happy with as a whole. While in lockdown after seeing a post on LinkedIn talking about how this book was able to turn the life of a former colleague around, I bought it straight away and flew through the book in about 3 days. The only reason it took 3 days was because the book is an interactive tool, just reading it without completing any of the exercises included, then you are wasting your time. The exercises themselves are what provide the reader with the tools to influence their life in a positive way. With that being said, I think we need to take a look at who Burnett and Evans are first, then after proving their qualifications, lets see what type of tools they are asking the reader to utilise in order to design their preferred life.

Continue reading “How To; Design Your Life”

How To Live More Sustainably?


After Donald Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement over the last couple of months, it is safe to say that everyone became thinking that climate change was going to continue at the same rate it had been. The polar ice caps would melt at alarming rates, other countries would follow suit in abandoning the agreement and that the air in certain cities would continue to be unsuitable to our lungs. But then, amazingly, coronavirus happened and while it is a plight on humanity and we wish Covid-19 never happened / spread, we can not ignore the advantages it has had on our battles against climate change. It has reduced car emissions, airplane emissions, pollution from companies and ourselves to such a large extent that you are now able to see the Los Angeles Skyline clearer than anytime in the last 50 years, alongside some natural wildlife returning to Venice canals! But what can you do at home to continue this effort as we begin to re-enter society? Continue reading “How To Live More Sustainably?”

Critically assess John Austins Command Theory of Law  


In the final year of my law degree, I had to take Jurisprudence and for my module, I had to write an essay about the Command Theory of Law created by John Austin. I am still sorry to the poor Mr. Austin for terrible ability at explaining his theory in a college essay, I had to go on and make a speech to my lecturer explaining the theory in greater detail and for extra credit! But unfortunately, I don’t have a copy of that presentation, so you get the essay instead.

Critically assess John Austins Command Theory of Law   Continue reading “Critically assess John Austins Command Theory of Law  “

What is meant by industrial policy? Is current Irish industrial policy helping the recovery from the recession? Does future industrial policy need to change from its historical focus on foreign direct investment?


I have to say, the first thing I notice when looking back at some of essays from college was how many questions did they want to ask us at once?! There’s 3 questions in this one essay that I needed to address in under 2,000 words. Like, seriously?!

What is meant by industrial policy? Is current Irish industrial policy helping the recovery from the recession? Does future industrial policy need to change from its historical focus on foreign direct investment? Continue reading “What is meant by industrial policy? Is current Irish industrial policy helping the recovery from the recession? Does future industrial policy need to change from its historical focus on foreign direct investment?”

How the factors which contribute to long run economic growth allowed Ireland to prosper in the late 1980’s following a period of poor management?


During my masters programme in college I studied, amongst other subjects, economics. It was my first time studying economics since my leaving cert about 4 years previously and I was only a C student at best while I was in school. But as I went to college and got my law degree, I became more aware of how important economics was as a subject and the real world ramifications it has, so I studied it in college, giving a much better account of myself and getting a 2:1 degree. Continue reading “How the factors which contribute to long run economic growth allowed Ireland to prosper in the late 1980’s following a period of poor management?”

Economics of Supply & Demand (Explained)


Due to the coronavirus I am left working at home for weeks on end analysing market trends and seeing the stock market plummet and rise and plummet again. Our supermarkets are packed with people hoarding items and our other shops are closed with our ‘old’ way of living feeling like it is a long time ago. The cinemas are closed, social distancing guidelines have multiple restaurants now just delivery, and everyone is wondering when and if the world will go back to normal. Seeing these trends in my work and daily life, has brought me back to the simple economic principle of Supply & Demand. It feels as though the average person doesn’t fully understand this basic principle, so I am going to explain it now; Continue reading “Economics of Supply & Demand (Explained)”