Hans Zimmer – Appreciation


I enjoy music, some would say too much, I generally have something in my ear at all times of the day. It used to be more media / visually driven, but while I have been working from home I have found that it is easier to have music in my ear rather than visual content. This has led to me on different weeks listening to different types of music. I have gone through the pieces that I focus on for maybe 2 weeks at a time.

But this week, I decided to type orchestra into my sky box to see what pieces came up as options. I saw Hans Zimmer in Vienna, with him being a composer I know well (Due to his work on The Dark Knight and The Amazing Spider-Man 2), so I decided I would spend 2 hours listening to his work live. After this I have now spent about 10 days straight only listening to pieces by Hans. Have to say, they are amazing pieces.

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