Being Still (2023)


It has been quite a while since I sat down in an effort to think about what is going on with me, and how if at all, I have evolved or changed since this time last year. I find it hard to believe that it has been a year first of all, but then again, as I say that, I believe everyone feels the same, none of us take the passing of time well, (At least not after we all get out of our early 20’s!). Sometimes, I think that we overestimate what we can get done in a year, and the ways in which we can grow in that time, gets overlooked when we aren’t where we want to be, or at least, where we think we should or perhaps could be. I have not written publicly as much as I would have liked, I have had my journal that I scribble in when I am feeling confused about my emotions, but in terms of this site, or the Youtube channel that I have used over the last couple of years, they couldn’t have been more neglected. So, that means, in a way, this has been my year for ‘Being Still’;

Continue reading “Being Still (2023)”

Employers Viewpoint in Interviews – Storytime


Over the past week, when having a chat with a friend of mine who was after going to an interview, it taught me something important about perspectives in job interviews. But what could I have learned that may benefit you?

Forget what opinion you have of yourself before you go in, the potential employer is going to have a different point of view than you all the way through. But in practice what does this actually mean? Continue reading “Employers Viewpoint in Interviews – Storytime”



You know, I used to write a lot more than I do now, mainly because I always had an idea in my mind and thought every idea was something that should be shared with the world. But the more I wrote over the past 2 years, I came to realise that not every idea I had was worth sharing with others as they were half-cooked and a bit boring, this was then tied with the fact that I was getting less views. This then caused demotivation and I felt that the content I was creating was poor and not worth spending a bit of time on for no-one to read it. Continue reading “Writing!”

The Journey of Blogging – Worth it?


Do you know what the hardest part of running a blog, having a Youtube channel or trying to do anything creative on the internet alongside the millions of others who are also doing it? Continue reading “The Journey of Blogging – Worth it?”

The Lion King @ Stella Theatre!


So, yesterday I saw the ‘new’ Lion King. Yes, we are all aware it is just a remake of the original with newer CGI, same story, same tears were shed and the same laughs were made for Timon & Pumba! But, real quick, Timon was a Meerkat?! Eh, you what mate?! I was shook! The CGI that was used to develop the animals was amazing, which is something we saw in the trailers, but, I didn’t realise how good it was until the opening scenes showing all the animals. I thought little of it, then we saw a rat, and my first thought was, ‘Oh, look at him go, how did they train a rat to do this and in-front of the camera?!’ That was when I realised, I am an idiot.

Continue reading “The Lion King @ Stella Theatre!”



I sit down a lot to write, at least I used too. I stopped for what felt like a year but according to my previous posts when I look back, it was more like 8 months. That is because I didn’t know what to write, what others wanted me to write, how I wanted to write and / or anything else. Until I realised something. Continue reading “Dreams”

100 Days Challenge


I mentioned them in previous posts, but if you haven’t heard of them before or don’t follow them on a form of social media, you HAVE to check out Yes Theory! They are a group of lads who make YouTube videos together, they are from an array of countries and all came together when they were in college coincidentally due to Thomas always talking about what he wanted from life, but that’s not the focus of this post! Continue reading “100 Days Challenge”

If they can, why can’t I?

A life story about me.


All my life I have sat around and every time I see someone accomplish something no matter how amazing it is, I have thought, ok cool, but, I could do that. Every time. Irrespective of how great their achievement is, something inside of me has always whispered the words ‘if they can, why can’t I?’.

Continue reading “If they can, why can’t I?”

2018 & 2019 – Review and Plans!


2018 was my first full year of running this blog, I started in November 2017 and sporadically posted to begin with, then ideas took hold and I posted more. Then my laptop broke and I struggled to post the type of content which was taking hold of me at home. So, I gave you all daily quotes no matter what state I was in as they helped me! Continue reading “2018 & 2019 – Review and Plans!”

Summer Weather – Howth!


So, we are now officially in May which means Summertime! Depending on where you are from this could mean cold beers on a beach, research in the sun, travel pics in foreign destinations or anything in-between! Continue reading “Summer Weather – Howth!”