Community – TV Series Review #6SeasonsandaMovie


The TV Show Community created by Dan Harmon in 2009, ran for 6 years on 2 networks and for a total of 110 episodes. It is a show that has developed a cult following since its final episode in 2015, it has had 2 separate stints on Netflix which have been beneficial for it to gather new support from fans. It is a show that is based around an ensemble cast in a local community college ‘Greendale’. Harmon wrote the show based on his own encounters in community college with each episode following his ‘story circle’ template. This is a method designed to create effective and structured stories. The show is universally loved by those who have watched it, the comedy is something that most shows aspire for, the cast is diverse and they bounce off each other well. Throughout the run of the show, there were some issues on occasion which had to be dealt with both on and off screen. Such as Dan Harmon leaving for a season due to being fired, Chevy Chase being written out, Donald Glover leaving, and the show being cancelled at the end of its 5th season, before Yahoo renewed for its 6th go around! But what are my opinions on the show;?

I personally loved Community, I have seen the whole series through only twice, once a couple of months back and the other time was probably 5ish years ago right when it was on Yahoo. I enjoyed the comedy, the characters, the story for what it was and getting to see the actors grow during their time on the show. But I have to say, conducting a review of a show without any objective criteria is basically impossible and I don’t think of any interest to readers, so lets get into a breakdown;

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